The Importance of the DIY Scene
Melancholy Club
Do-it-yourself has gained popularity among fashion creatives and it’s no surprise because not only is it fun, but it’s also good for the environment. Since it’s a sustainable practice it prevents us from buying fashion forward pieces from fast-fashion stores. Why buy something when you can already make it at home for free. I’m not saying to go all out and to create an outfit out of thin air, but revamping old clothes that are collecting dust in your closet is a start. Think about those archaic jeans that have that nasty stain you haven’t been able to remove, what can you do? How about cutting them into shorts to get rid of the stain that was towards the bottom of the pants or using a patch of your favorite band to cover what once was that horrific stain. Another way to incorporate DIY in your life is to do it on thrifted items. Since the items are second hand you’re not contributing to the horrible impacts fast-fashion can cause. The possibilities are endless.
If you’re not an artistic person and would like to join in on this sustainable trend, you can buy DIY on second hand selling sites such as Depop. We’ll help you get started.
DIY Depop stores:
Melancholy Club