Influencer Oversaturation
If you’e considering becoming a social media influencer think again. In the last 10 years there’s been a spike in influencers causing the market to be oversaturated. Not only is there an influencer for almost everything out there, but there’s an abundance of them in each category. The problems in this market have been visible ever since Instagram and Facebook changed their algorithm. Users are engaging with posts less and less and it shows. People are even saying that influencer marketing may not producing the outcome companies are hoping for.
Recently, Influncer Arii, who has over two million followers on Instagram only sold 252 items in 13 days. Only .009% of her followers decided to purchase her product, which proves that your value as an influencer isn’t about how many followers you have, but on how many interactions you receive per photo. Also, we aren’t always following influencers to be sold to, but for other reasons. Personally, I follow accounts to be educated and inspired. I hardly ever spend my hard earned coin on sponsored ads that seem like my next must have.
The influencer market is tricky to predict, but there most likely will be a crash and only the creme de la creme will survive.